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Extra Life 2015 - The Ripple Effect

I’m sorry that I didn’t write this sooner, and I’m especially sorry that I couldn’t write this for the end of the stream. As you can imagine, I was pretty overwhelmed and it took a couple days for me to recover from both the exhaustion and the awesomeness. Over the Extra Life stream, I had a notebook that I wrote in every two hours (usually at the end of scheduled slot) and very basically outlined the highlights or big moments from each bit. These notes were what I was going to make into my closing speech, and I thought I would share some of what I have.

  • 8:00am-10:00am (AH - Geoff, Matt, Jeremy, Caleb, Millie) - We raised over $100,000 before 10:00am. - Millie punched Caleb and then Geoff.- We shaved Matt Bragg’s head. - Geoff pledged to donate $1,000 so Jeremy and Matt would kiss. - Jeremy and Matt kissed. - Geoff donated $1,000 on the spot.

  • 10:00am – 12:00pm (RWBY - Gray, Kerry, Miles, Lindsay, Barbara, Kara) - RTEL were joined by some of the cast and crew behind RWBY, including Lindsay Jones, Barbara Dunkelman and Kara Eberle, Gray Haddock, Kerry Shawcross and Miles Luna. - Miles and Kerry slow danced. - RWBY date nights. - RWY played the RWBY game in their character voices. - Jaune swear tirade.

  • 12:00pm – 2:00PM (Sports Ball – Tyler, Cole, Jack, Josh) - Extra torturous balloon roulette (balloon never popped). - Planking and arm wrestling. - 50 Shades of Grey, by Tyler Coe. - Epic Half Time speech. - Cole gave birth to OH BABY A TRIPLE football babies.

  • 2:00pm – 4:00pm (SMITE – Adam Ellis, Adam Baird, Jon) - Smite for all! - Bella and Rebel rush the stage. - Community question time. - I finally watch “Oh Baby a Triple!” video. Cole finally makes sense. - Community donates $1 every time RT dies in Smite.

  • 4:00pm-6:00pm (Free Play & The Know – Ashley, Meg, Ryan, Burnie) - Burned Ryan’s shoes. - Ryan and Jack read fan fiction (additional VO by Jon Risinger). - Burnie nearly vomited from a vomit flavoured jelly bean (he’s practically Dumbledore now). - Dirty Dancing lift.

  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm (FUNHAUS – Joel, Bruce, Adam, ft. Miles) - Rock Band intro. Lady Gaga and Queen. - Overwatch. - How to, with Miles Luna: Surviving Puberty. - Adam had a Bah Mitzvah. - Chubby Bunny with donuts. - Pumpkin Spice Spoon.

  • 8:00pm – 10:00pm (AH, Lazer Team – Michael, Gavin, Lindsay, Jeremy, Mica) - Gallon Challenge with coloured milk. - A lot of vomit. - Slow Mo slap, Gavin and Jack. - Ruby reads 50 Shades of Grey. - Michael got tased by Jack. Twice.

  • 10:00pm – 12:00am (Social Disorder – Aaron, Chris, Brandon, Zac and Barbara, ft. Miles ASMR) - Bob Ross painting. Miles' darkest hours. - “Where Babies Come From” with Chris. - Sausage fight/explosion and condom tasting. - Interpretive body painting. - $300,000 raised to shave Jack’s beard. - Shaved Jack’s beard.

  • 12:00am – 2:00am (Screw Attack team! Ft. Gus and Kerry) - Caiti gets Whataburger breakfast because Caiti is hungry as shit. - Amiibo Execution, ft. nail gun, torches, liquid nitro and death. - Cheese Master manifests.

  • 2:00am – 4:00am (2Spooky – Miles, Kerry, Blaine, Cole, Jon, Gray, Kyle and Cheese Master Gus) - Spelunky. - So many $1337’s - Triple Shots. - Hurricane Gus. - REDACTED - REDACTED - REDACTED - Onesies.

  • 4:00am – 6:00am - BLANK (Possibly blacked out. Can't be sure as I was indeed still on camera.)

  • 6:00am – 8:00am (ft. Matt Hullum) - Bohemian Rhapsody. Flawless. - $350,000 raised = Joel vs Caboose rap battle. - RT/Matt, Fullscreen/George and Ezra matched donations for 20 mins. - Sarge reads 50 Shades of Grey. - 20,518 posters sold. - Raised $365,590 ForTheKids. - Dance party. - END SCENE.

There were many people who were on the stream for longer than I put in the titles (e.g. Barbara, Miles, Caleb), which I love them for, and somewhere along the way Blaine showed up from Australia. Barbara wrote a phenomenal journal thanking everyone involved in the stream. I cannot agree more with her sentiments, and hope that broadcast, tech, production and the Rooster Teeth talent team know how grateful I am for all of their incredibly hard work.

There is a handful of people I’d like to express my gratitude to on top of that: - Blaine, who has been there for every stream, even when it coincided with his college graduation, and his return from a two week trip overseas. You pressed the button to make us live the first time we did this, and you’ve been a rock ever since. - Cole, for being a fucking ray of sunshine. Holy shit.- Michael, who is the most committed person I know. You don’t mess around. When you say you’ll do something, you do it. Especially if we preface it with ForTheKids. - Miles, for being the greatest showman to grace the EL stage. - Barbara, for being the glue of the stream. I know there isn’t a chance on God’s green Earth that I could have survived without you.

- Jack, for being you.

On Saturday, the Rooster Teeth community created a ripple of healing in the world of sick children. Whether you donated, shared, streamed or tuned in – you were a part of that ripple, and I can’t begin to imagine how many lives that ripple has now touched.

Thank you.

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